Friday, October 12, 2007

I'm famous!!!!

Well, OK, not really.

But I sat somewhere a famous person did!!!

Well, OK, not really.

But I sat somewhere, and then a famous person sat at a replica of the place I sat!!!

I hear the great collective "What the heck are you talking about, woman?!?!?!"

I've been back on my CSI kick, and I'm watching season six currently. At the end of the episode Kiss, Kiss, Bye, Bye, Catherine Willows has finally come to terms with her mother's current relationship (long story, but the man in question is Willow's father, and not a totally savory character).

Anyway, Willow has come around, and she meets her mother at the Bellagio, on the patio. At the EXACT table where Dick, Trina, Kathy and I sat for Dick's Birthday! How cool is that!

Except, of course, that CSI is filmed in LA, they come in every couple of years or so to get footage, but the actors never show up. So they were actually sitting at a table that was made to look like the exact table we sat at.

Still. Kinda cool.

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