Friday, October 26, 2007

It's the little things

Recap of my week: On Monday I got tossed no less than three projects that needed to be completed by, oh, let's see, TODAY! All of which required interacting with other groups. Now let me just say, my managment chain is incredibly flexible and easy to work with, and they have a VERY realistic view of what's required in our work. And all the groups I had to work with are good groups too. But anytime there's a tight deadline, life gets stressful, and anytime a project requires more than one person, it gets more complicated. So, work was a frazzly sort of place this week.

Last night was the celebrations for the people at the hospital celebrating either a 5 or 10 year anniversary. I actually hit 10 years last December, but because of how the state calculates retiment, they consider that I started in January of '97, so this was my 10 year anniversary. Kathy and I went to the party last night, and it was a blast -- there was wine, beer, heavy hors d'ouevres, music, disco balls, and glow-necklaces! Plus, I got a cool little 10 year badge decoration doo-hickey that fit's on my badge holder, AND a $50 gift certificate from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce, so it's good nearly anywhere in Chapel Hill.

Now, that certainly didn't make my unexpected projects go away, but boy did it help me maintain a sense of perspective! Oh, and because those other groups I mentioned jumped in, I got everything done today, it'll all go into production by Sunday evening, so I got to leave work on time tonight, and got my toes done and then had a lovely dinner with Kathy!

It's always nice when a week that seems to be starting off on the wrong foot (if weeks can have feet) turns out nicely after all!

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