Thursday, June 25, 2009

My latest favorite understatement

I went to see The Connells last Friday (reliving my college days at The Cradle). I hadn't seen them in years, but it got my curiousity up, so I spent some of my sick time earlier this week googling them.

And found, in an article in Wikipedia, this classic understament comparing The Connells to REM:

"...Connell’s lyrics were clearer and more direct than the often-unintelligible, stream-of-consciousness lyrics of Michael Stipe."

Oh, come on. Often-unintelligible, stream-of-consciousness? You mean you people haven't memorized End of the World? You don't understand the deeper meaning behind, "Swan Swan Hummingbird, hurrah, we are all free now, what noisy cats are we, girl, and dog, he bore his cross"? You have no idea what Michael is saying in Radio Free Europe?

LOL! OK, raise your hands -- how many people consistenly sing "Blah, blah, blah" to at least ONE part of their favorite REM song? (Meg raises hand).

Incidentally, seeing The Connells made me realize that I really have a thing for bands with a strong, but moderately (sometimes highly) pretentious lyricist -- REM, The Connells, Coldplay, Oasis, Cranberries (they wrote a song about Yeats, for Heaven's sake!), Kate Bush (a song about Wuthering Heights!). Not sure what that say about me, but there it is.

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