Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July!!!!

I had a really good day. David and I toured the wineries on the Haw River Wine Trail. It's four wineries within the Haw River watershed; all relatively small. At least one does import grapes from other areas, but mostly the grapes are grown, if not at the vineyard/winery itself, at least in the region.

It was fun. North Carolina wines don't have the, um, complexity, shall we say, of a wine from the more traditional areas. But, particularly for people who really don't like white wines, the lightness of the wines can be nice. We found a lot of reds that were perfect summertime reds.

Plus we drove around the countryside and tasted a lot of wine!

When we got back, we stopped quickly by a Whole Foods, then went to hear the NC Symphony do a Pops concert, followed by fireworks. Yummy food, new wine, good music and fireworks. It just doesn't get much better than that!

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