Tuesday, September 22, 2009


So, today I got a call from Peter about 4 pm. Turns out that his soccer practice had been cancelled due to thunder. He bikes there, so he headed home, but since it was thundering, I also headed out to meet him (11 year old boys can survive a lot of things, but I don't think lightning strikes should be tested!).

I found him, and we loaded his bike into the back of David's Veracruz, which I am currently driving. I was lazy, so rather than put one of the seats down, I just crammed the bike in, but then the hatchback wouldn't shut. Since it was only a short ways, though, I figured it would be OK.

And it was.

Till I got home, and drove into the garage.

Forgetting that the frikkin' hatchback was still up!

So, yeah, shattered glass, cursing, Meg feeling stupid. And, going to need a new back window.


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