Thursday, September 03, 2009

So, am I a morning person? Or not?

I've always (or at least all my adult life) thought of myself as innately a morning person. When/if I excercise, I prefer to do it first thing in the morning. I love sunrises, and the peacefulness right before dawn. I can't think of anything better than being awake and on my deck with a nice cup of coffee then.

But, I don't get that very often. The reality is, there are beau coup things for me to do/get done in the evening: dinner, activities, laundry, straightening, etc. Not necessarily fun things, mind you (other than dinner), but necessary.

So, yeah, to get up and be sitting on my deck with my coffee, I'd need to wake up 5, 5:30 ish. And going to bed at 10:30 or 11 just doesn't make that possible. I function best on 8 hours of sleep, am fine with 7, but after a day or two of 6 or fewer hours of sleep, I just get fuzzy-brained.

Still, I've been getting up a little earlier, in order to run with Tucker. It's making me happy because I'm running, and it's early. Tucker is happy, cause, well, he's a dog and it doesn't take much to make him happy.

But after today, I think the fuzzy-brained-ness is kicking in, and perhaps I'm not as much of a morning person as I thought!

The International Space Station was due to be passing over my part of the globe between 5:57 and 6:03 this morning. I DID see it, but here's a rough paraphrase of my thought process during it:

Oh, I should be looking for the Space Station. I think it's near Venus. Oh, there's Venus! Wait, Venus was in the east yesterday, and that's west.....Wait, Venus is moving!!!! That's not right!!!

Oh! THAT'S the Space Station!!! Cool!

pause to watch Space Station move across the sky. Tucker is looking at me wondering why we're not running.
MAN! There are PEOPLE up there!

Um, yes. Yes there are.

Not my most stellar intellectual moment!

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