Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hello, Thursday

Never, never, never, say disparaging things about one's hair dryer in a public forum. The karmic hair dryer gods will smite you.

Yesterday I raved about the hair dryers at the place we stayed in Las Vegas. This morning, my hair dryer caught on fire. Not just smoke, not just emitting a burning smell, actual honest-to-God flames, INSIDE the handle. It did start with a nasty smell, and then it was spraying smoke rather than hot air. So I went to turn it off, and noticed that INSIDE the handle there were flames! RIGHT WHERE MY HAND WAS! So I turned it off, but that didn't stop them, so I unplugged it and threw it in the bathtub where I doused it with water.

Luckily I have a travel hair dryer, so I had a back up, and was able to finish drying my hair.

Then I went downstairs. It's a delayed opening day for the kids' school, so I was going to work at home for a couple of hours. Even with the hair dryer trauma, I was logged on and working by 7, and all was well, until 8:30, when my power went out. Sigh. So I grab the phone to call the power company, but of course, the phone is out, too! So I call on my cell phone, and they nice automated system tells me that they don't have the number I'm calling from associated with an account. DUH! Finally I'm able to get them straightened out, and I report my outage, and they say, 'We know, and it'll be fixed. Sometime."

So I go upstairs and get dressed for work (in the dark), then go outside to read the paper and wait for the bus so that I can go to my office and get some work done, when it hits me; my garage door runs on electricity, and I have no idea how heavy it is or if I can open it! Luckily, the power came back on about 15 minutes before the bus came, so I didn't have to find out. And now I'm at work, and I have power, and hopefully I'll have a new hair dryer eventually, but it's a little daunting when you realize that it's 10 am, and already the day has nowhere to go but up!

"I never could get the hang of Thursdays" -- Arthur Dent

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even with the hair dryer episode and power outage, I'm sure that you had your towel with you. The Encyclopedia Galctica has a few things to say on the subject of towels.