Thursday, September 10, 2009

Yet more wireless rapture

We all know how much I love free, easily accessible wireless. Love it, love it, love it.

Well, today was mildly crazy (though, as Kathy says, my life is ALWAYS crazy)

Anyway, due to a vet scheduling conflict, I had to leave work about 2:30 to take the boys to get their Feline Leukemia boosters. I was waiting for someone to finish something so that I could do MY part, and of course, they had system issues.

So, I said as I was leaving that I'd find wireless sometime after 4 and call into work.

And here I am, at Weaver Street (while Peter is at soccer practice), eating some lovely caraway cheddar and bread, drinking a New Belgium Hoptober (very tasty, btw), and working.

Oh, and it's 70 degrees and breezy. A lovely fall afternoon.


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